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          상품번호 : 43
          페이스북 트위터 
          High Performance Scan Converters 3G/HD/SD/Fiber
          BrightEye Mitto Scan Converters
          판매가 2,035,000
          무이자할부 카드안내 X
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          배송 택배 3,500원
          전자상거래 상품정보 제공 고시
          품명 및 모델명 Scan Converters
          법에 의한 인증 허가
          제조국 또는 원산지 USA
          제조자 ENSEMBLE DESIGNS
          A/S 책임자와 전화번호 또는 소비자상담 관련 전화번호 02-363-4489
          고객평가 0건  ★★★★★ 0/5
          상품옵션 상품옵션을 선택해 주세요
          총 상품금액 2,035,000
          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보

          BrightEye Mitto Scan Converters

          • High Performance Scan Converter for PC and Mac
          • Best way to bring YouTube™, Skype™, Weather Radar, Maps and Emails to Video for Production Use
          • Superior Quality– Proprietary Scaling and Filtering System Provides Maximum Detail, Flicker-Free Video Output
          • Use with all Types of Macs and PCs including Laptops, iPhone® and iPad™
          • Intuitive Front Panel Controls
          • Output Choices: 1.5 and 3 Gb/s HD, SD SDI, Composite Video, Fiber Optic
          • DVI I/O, VGA and HDMI Support with an Adapter
          • Auto senses DVI or VGA
          • Choose a Mitto with Adjustable Audio Delay for Skype and Broadcast Applications
          • Use a Mouse to Select the Part of the Video You Want to Output
          • Easily Adjust Video Parameters and Select Video Output Format
          • Support for HDCP Encrypted Content Available
          • Genlock and Time to House Reference, Fully Timeable
          • Rackmountable
          • Memory Presets for Your Favorite Settings


          Uncompromised Images, Intuitive Control, and a Great Price

          Use BrightEye Mitto™ Scan Converters to deliver DVI, HDMI, and VGA sources to 3G, HD and SD SDI video resolutions. Ensemble Designs’ proprietary scaling and filtering technology ensures that Mitto always produces a pristine, detailed video output. Even the most demanding CGI material is faithfully rendered to television. Eight different models offer great feature choices and competitive pricing.

          YouTube and Skype Video Made Easy

          Take just about any source to 3G, HD or SD SDI video. Computer video can now be used for the most demanding applications including broadcast, high-end military, medical, classroom, church and corporate. Just a small part of the screen, such as a Skype window, can be selected with a mouse and converted to full screen HD. Mitto delivers the best looking video – compare Mitto to any other scan converter and see the difference!

          Choose the Functionality You Need

          Choose the best combination of features and price for your application. Eight different Mitto units offer varying types of outputs and capabilities. All Mitto units accept VGA, DVI and HDMI input signals from PC and Mac computers.

          HDCP encrypted content supported on -H models.

           Mitto 3G

           Mitto 3G Fiber

           Mitto HD

           Mitto HD Fiber

           Mitto Pro2

           Mitto Pro2 HDCP

          Model BEM-1 BEM-1-H BEM-1F BEM-2 BEM-2-H BEM-2F BEM-4 BEM-4-H
          DVI, VGA, or HDMI Input XXXXXX
          HD or SD Video Outputs XXXXXX
          3 Gb/s Video Outputs XX
          Optical Output XX
          HDCP XXX
          Analog or Embedded Audio Input XXXXXX
          AES Audio Input and Output XXXX
          Full Control of Audio Levels,
          Channel Mixing
          Adjustable Audio Delay XXXX
          RS-232/GPI Control XXXX

          BrightEye Mac and PC Software

          Using BrightEye control software, you can easily time BrightEye Mitto into a video production switcher or router. From your desktop, you have complete and intuitive control of video format, video levels, output timing, mixing audio channels, and audio delay.

          Pristine, Detailed Video Output

          A superior quality scan converter, BrightEye Mitto has the advantage of proprietary scaling technology and exclusive multi-tap filtering. Even a small part of the computer screen, such as a YouTube video, will be upconverted to full screen HD. The region selected for output determines if Mitto acts as an up converter or downconverter. The output looks as good, or better, than the original and passes the most stringent testing.

          Easy To Use

          BrightEye PC/Mac software runs overtop of any video,
          website or software. The Selection Tool displays as a colored box around your selection, showing the portion of the video that will be output from BrightEye Mitto.

          Use Your Mouse To Select What is Output to Video

          Use your mouse to click and drag over the specific portion of computer video that you want to output. The perspective of seeing the whole screen relative to your selection gives you the ability to choose exactly which portion of the video you want to scan convert for output. Resize the selection window by clicking and dragging with your mouse. Mitto’s video output automatically goes to pillarbox or letterbox as needed. Mitto automatically maintains perfect aspect ratio.

          Digital and Analog Video and Audio

          The intuitive front panel interface makes it easy to choose the desired video output format. The genlock reference input allows the video outputs to be timed to house.

          The audio input accepts analog audio. AES is optional. Audio is embedded into the SDI outputs – which is required for many high end applications. Audio delay controls let you adjust the audio timing with respect to video for perfect lip sync, which is crucial when using Skype video in a production environment.

          Eight different models with a feature set and price to meet any need

          BrightEye Mitto 3GBEM-1
          BrightEye Mitto 3G with HDCPBEM-1-H
          BrightEye Mitto 3G FiberBEM-1F
          BrightEye Mitto HDBEM-2
          BrightEye Mitto HD with HDCPBEM-2-H
          BrightEye Mitto HD FiberBEM-2F
          BrightEye Mitto Pro 2BEM-4
          BrightEye Mitto Pro 2 with HDCPBEM-4-H

          Click here for a scan converter case study



          Computer Input

          • Number One
          • Type DVI (Supports HDMI or VGA with adapter)
          • Connector DVI-I
          • Resolution Up to 1920 × 1200

          Reference Input

          • Number One, BNC
          • Type 1 V P-P Composite Video PAL, NTSC, Tri-Level Sync
          • Impedance 75 Ω
          • Return Loss >40 dB
          • Note: When no reference is provided, Mitto runs from an internal "sync gen grade" precision frequency reference.

          Analog Audio Inputs

          • Number One stereo pair
          • Connector 1/8” mini jack
          • Impedance >15K Ω
          • Max Input Level 24 dBu
          • Quantization 24 bits, 128 x oversampled
          • Sample Rate 48 KHz
          • Reference Level -10 dBu or +4 dBu
          • Frequency Response ±0.1 dB, 20 Hz to 20 KHz
          • Crosstalk <106 dB
          • Dynamic Range >106 dB

          AES/EBU Digital Inputs (BEM-1, 1F, 2, 2F)

          • Number Two (four channels)
          • Type AES3id, S/PDIF
          • Connector 1/8” mini jack
          • Bit Depth 20 and 24 Bit
          • Sample Rate 30 KHz to 192 KHz (Sample Rate Converted Internally to 48 KHz)

          Serial Digital Output

          • Number Two, BNC. One for BEM-1F and 2F
          • Signal Type 270 Mb/s SD SDI, SMPTE 259M 1.485 Gb/s HD SDI,SMPTE 274M, 292M, 296M 2.97 Gb/s HD SDI (BEM-1 and BEM-1F only) SMPTE 424M, 425M
          • Processing 16 bit processing, 12 and 14 bit upconversion
          • Delay Adjustable from 16 msec to 40 msec
          • Note: Output is fully timeable with respect to the reference input.
          • Audio Embedded
          • Impedance 75 Ω
          • Return Loss >15 dB to 1.485 GHz, >10 dB to 2.97 GHz
          • Output DC None (AC coupled)

          Standards Supported:

          • 1080i (SMPTE 274M -4,5,6) 50, 59.94 or 60 Hz
          • 720p (SMPTE 296M -1,2,3) 50, 59.94 or 60 Hz
          • 525i, 625i (SMPTE 259M)
          • 1080p (SMPTE 424M, 425M), 50, 59.94, 60, Level A (BEM-1 and BEM-1F only)

          Optical Output (BEM-1F, 2F):

          • Number One, LC/UPC
          • Type Follows SDI configuration
          • Wavelength 1310 nm (non-CWDM) Wavelengths 170 nm –1610 nm at 20 nm CWDM spacing available. Call factory for price and details.
          • Power -7 dBm
          • Max Cable Length 20 km (For greater distances, or higher power and larger loss budgets, please contact the factory)
          • Fiber Type Single Mode Multi-mode compatible with attenuation at transmit end

          Analog Video Output:

          • Number One, BNC
          • Type Composite PAL or NTSC (when SD is selected on the SDI output)
          • Return Loss >40 dB
          • Output DC <100 mV

          Computer Monitor Output

          • Number One, looping
          • Type DVI (Supports HDMI or VGA with adapter)
          • Connector DVI-I
          • Format Follows input

          Control (BEM-1, 1F, 2, 2F)

          • Number One
          • Connector 9 pin D
          • Type RS-232, GPI

          General Specifications

          • Size 5.63” W x 0.8” H x 5.98” D (143 mm x 21 mm x 152 mm) including connectors and flange connectors
          • Weight 1 lb 6 oz
          • Power 12 volts, 12 watts (100-230 VAC modular power supply)
          • Temperature Range 0 to 40° C ambient (all specs met)
          • Relative Humidity 0 to 95° non-condensing
          • Altitude 0 to 10,000 ft.

          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보

          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보

          1. 주문하신 물품의 총 결제금액이 15만원 이상 (환율의 변동에 따라 다를 수 있음) 이면 과부가세가 발생합니다. 관부가세는 고객님께서 부담하시는 금액으로 문자를 통해 입금내역이 발송되며 해당 관세사로 입금하시면 통관처리됩니다.

          2. 해외구매 특성상 주문에서 배송까지는 평균 10~15일이 소요됩니다. 간혹 현지 제품 수급에 따라 부득이하게 시일이 더 소요 될 수 있으니 구매시 좀 더 여유있게 주문하시길 권합니다.

          3. 해외 내수품인 관계로 A/S에 대해서는 별도의 책임을 지지 않습니다.

          4. 해외배송 특성상 주문접수후 배송상태가 배송준비중으로 넘어간 경우 해외에서 국내로의 배송이 이루어지고 있다는 뜻입니다. 따라서 배송준비중으로 배송상태가 넘어간 경우 취소및 반품이 불가하므로 이점 양해 부탁드립니다.

          5. 타 해외구매대행 사이트에서 주문하신 물건과 주문날짜가 겹치지않도록 주의해 주십시오. 통관날짜가 같을 경우 합산관세가 부가되게 됩니다.
          HDMI 1.3 Quad Multi-viewer with Seamless Switcher
          500,500 원
          3G /HD/SD-SDI Splitter 1X4
          90,000 원
          1x2 HDMI 1.4 Splitter
          35,750 원
          NXT Compact Routers
          Multi Format Video and Audio Routing, Conversion, and Compression
          3,850,000 원
          회사명 : 베잔테크 | 사업자등록번호 : 110-17-46524 [사업자정보확인] | 주소 : 서울특별시 서대문구 서소문로 45 (합동, SK리쳄블) 217호
          통신판매업 신고 : 제 2016-서울서대문-0325호 | 연락처 : 010-8778-4489 | FAX : 02-363-4480 | 개인정보관리 책임자 : 이상기 | 대표자 : 이상기
          contact : sojoo45@hanmail.net for more information
          회원님의 소중한 개인정보 보호를 위해 비밀번호를 주기적으로 변경하시는 것이 좋습니다.
          현재 비밀번호
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          신규 비밀번호 확인
          6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합